“I have no right to call myself one who knows. I was one who seeks, and I still am, but I no longer seek in the stars or in books; I’m beginning to hear the teachings of my blood pulsing within me. My story isn’t pleasant, it’s not sweet and harmonious like the invented stories; it tastes of folly and bewilderment, of madness and dream, like the life of all people who no longer want to lie to themselves.”

Demian (Herman Hesse, The Story of Emil Sinclair’s Youth)


The earnest prayer

of a teacher…

May earnest students from all directions come to me!

May earnest students with varied abilities come to me!

May earnest students with exceptional abilities come to me!

May earnest students with self-restraint come to me!

May earnest students with peace in heart come to me!

(From the Taittiriya Upanishad: Śikṣāvallī as received from Sri Srivatsa Ramaswamy)

My journey into Yoga and Tantra was really set in motion in my late teens whilst experiencing persistent bouts of anxiety and depression along with gastric distress, addiction, and a constant feeling of being stuck in an existential crisis. Yoga was my way of feeling better and I would regularly attend a variety of yoga classes, as well as practicing at home from books. Really, the seed was sown in the womb when my mother practiced with me during her pregnancy, and later when I could walk she taught me sun salutations - yoga is a very old samskara for me!

My practice evolved slowly whilst living a relatively fast-paced life in London and although by age of twenty a fire deep within me had been sparked, and to some extent a healing process had begun, I had a persistent sense of confusion and dissatisfaction. I decided to follow the call and at the age of twenty four, I left behind the London scene and the notion of having a career as a documentary filmmaker, and moved to India to satisfy the longing to study Yoga intensely with experienced teachers and authentic lineages.

In the beginning I had no intention of teaching Yoga myself, however, Life has its way and here I am. I have spent most of the last 9 years in India and with much dedication to learning and practice, I recovered my health and now experience ever evolving levels of vitality, clarity, presence and expansion through the practice of Yoga, Tantra and Ayurveda.

I believe that we all have a deep capacity to heal and transform not only ourselves, but the collective. No matter where, who, how you are or how far away ‘Yoga’ as a concept may feel, the potential is immense and with the right guidance and sustained effort, anyone can deepen their capacity for joy, presence and wellness in body, mind and spirit.

Now, as a Yoga Therapist and teacher, I primarily work with people individually, online and in person. I share group classes as well and have led many beautiful retreats, including immersions in India. On retreats, and to clients when possible, I also give bodywork combining the healing modalities of Yoga Therapy, Thai Yoga Massage and Ayurvedic Yoga Massage.

I am extremely grateful to my teachers, guides, family and friends for all the support I receive. May we bless and be blessed by all beings!